About LivePlanningPoker
Read here about the background for the LivePlanningPoker tool.
About Agile Estimations
Most people working in an agile development team have spent some time in agile estimation sessions. The LivePlanningPoker tool is designed to help you estimate user stories in a remote setting. The tool is designed to be simple and intuitive to use. It is built using the Phoenix LiveView framework, allowing real-time updates and collaboration.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it Safe to Use LivePlanningPoker?
Yes, the tool is designed to be safe to use. The planning sessions are end-to-end encrypted, and the data is not stored on the server. The session data is stored in the browser's local storage, and the session link can be shared with team members.
How Long is the Data Available?
The session duration is not limited but ends after 2 hours of inactivity. You should take a note of the results or enter then in your ticketing system before the session ends.
Can anyone with the link access the session?
Yes, anyone with the link can access the session. We don't recommend sharing the link with people who don't belong in the team. Also, you should not add sensitive information in the stories or descriptions. The ticket ID does not reveal any information, and is safe to add.