How to use LivePlanningPoker for an Estimation Session?

In this guide, you can read more on how to use the LivePlanningPoker tool for estimating user stories. We have tried to make the tool as intuitive as possible, but in case there are any questions, this guide will help you get started.

1. Creating a New Session

You can create a new session by clicking on the "Start a New Planning Session Here" button on the home page, or selecting New Session from the navigation. You will be asked to enter the session name and optionally a description for the session.

2. Adding Stories

Once the session is created, you can add stories to the session. Click on the "Add Story" button and enter the story title and description. The stories can be added one-by-one when starting to estimate it or before inviting team members.

3. Inviting Team Members

Once you are in a session, there's a button to copy the session link that can be shared with your preferred communication tool. Team members can join the session by clicking on the link.

4. Starting Estimating a Story

Once you and the team is ready to go, you can start estimating a story by clicking on the "Estimate" button. The team members can then select their estimate by clicking one of the points buttons.

5. Revealing the Estimates

Once all estimates are in, you as the session owner can reveal the estimates. Alternatively, you can set the estimates to be revealed automatically after all team members have estimated.

6. Picking an Estimate or Re-estimating

Once the estimates are revealed, the average estimate is shown. You have the option to choose from two closest estimates or the one exactly matching the average. Should the team members be very far apart, you can re-estimate the story after discussing it. Once the estimate is picked, the story is marked as estimated and the score shown.

7. Checking the Session Summary

You can at anytime check the session summary by clicking on the "Session Summary" button. This will show you the the following information about eah story:

  • Story ID
  • Story Description
  • Selected Estimate
  • Estimates by all Team Members
  • Duration for the story